Facebook - Friends of the Talpiot Tomb
The Friends of the Talpiot Tomb (FOTT) has an active longstanding “Talpiot Tomb” Facebook group (see link below)
that is being used for communication with a wide group of individuals regarding all things related to the Talpiot Tomb.
This is an open group, meaning that anyone can view the posts made to this site. However, if you want to post yourself
you will need to request membership in the group when you visit the group page.
Once you joined this Facebook group you will be a member of the Friends of the Talpiot Tomb - tha's all there is to it.
Membership is completely free, but you might want to consider making a donation to help support the work of FOTT
Follow the link below to the “Talpiot Tomb” Facebook group:
Otherwise login into Facebook and search for “Talpiot Tomb”. Make sure you select the “Talpiot Tomb” group. Please
do not be confused by the Facebook community page of the same name or any other Facebok group/page of a similar